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Some of the conspiracy theories doing the rounds at the moment are so outlandish that they defy logic, let alone belief (assuming you understand that you can create a plausible, logical conspiracy theory, but it’s still a conspiracy theory).

The nonsense surrounding Taylor Swift, her boyfriend, and the Kansas Chiefs is one such piece of nonsense that seems to have triggered a few of the more loonier tunes out there. Joe Biden lampooned the whole thing on his Twitter account, although I’m sure there are people out there who don’t see lampooning but do see “Deep State” and “Satanists”. The scary part there was that the whole thing was picked up and amplified by Jess Watters on Fox News, which to many lends the story credence. Of course, if you’re a halfway functioning human, you’ll know that pretty much all of Fox News’ output is deeply in the realms of fantasy.

It’s even scarier to see elected politicians, all of whom are in the thrall of one Donald Trump, expounding so many ridiculous theories. Who can forget the Jewish space lasers? Obama not born in the USA? Insurrection at the US Capitol the work of ANTIFA and FBI agents? These people are outright liars, exploiting the gullible for their own political gain, but their adoring followers see it all as the wicked truth.

There are still a lot of old favourites out there, too, like “Chem Trails” from aircraft poisoning and controlling the world’s population. That one falls into the category of totally ludicrous, but people still buy it. Then there’s the king of them all, the flat earth. That particular theory was torpedoed as soon as people were able to sail boats out of sight of land, but still they persist, with ever greater conviction these days. I wonder how many of them have ever been in an airliner and travelled even a moderate distance? Did they never wonder why they didn’t fly off the edge?

Anyway, I will cling to my rational thought and critical thinking, and laugh all the nonsense off. It’s not wise to engage with any of these theorists, of course, because the same lack of thinking they apply to believing their theories also goes into any evidence-free arguments they like to get into.

Now, where did I put that space laser?